Hello! Tonight’s comic features another cameo—this time Eric Karnowski, who appeared as a cameo two years ago too. Fun fact: I emailed Eric and asked him for more reference photos for this comic… I didn’t tell him why, I just asked for beefcake, and he kindly obliged. (The perks of being a cartoonist!) Thanks Eric!
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Thank you for being so awesome, Tony!
Yay! Eric’s in the cartoons! Yay!!
I really hope I don’t come off as gross or something, but I highly approve of this cameo. 🙂
(On the other hand, on dating sites sometimes people like Ken vex me a little – only a little, and only sometimes: of course people can be there for various reasons)
OMG This week’s comic is AWESOME! I don’t CRAVE validation, but I do feel good when people tell me I’m hot!